Masyta Nurul Jihad1), Firdaus Daud2), and Andi Rahmat Saleh3)
Ainun Fitriski Utami1), St. Fatmah Hiola2), Muhiddin, Palennari.3
Khairurrahimin.1, A. Mu’nisa2, Nurhayati B.3, Nur Athirah Hadis4
Henny Setiawati1*1, Asrullah Syam2, Nurhasanah3, Jusmiati Jafar4
Elya Febrita1, Riki Apriyandi Putra1, Diah Anugrah Dipuja1
Ismail1, a) and Nurul Fadhillah Bafa Hasja2, b)
Restidar Sudarto1, Nurhayati B2, Rachmawaty3
Fitriah Rahmayanti Ismail1, Nurhayati, B 2, St Fatmah Hiola 3
School Students in Pangkajene District
Resky Amaliah Sapa 1) , Nurhayati B 2) , Andi Asmawati Azis 3)
Mochammad Iqbal1, 2 and Siti Zubaidah1
Analysis of the Science Literacy Ability in Biology Learning at SMAN 1 Bone
Abd. Muis1, Saparuddin2, Nurul Jihani3
Analysis of Coliform Escherichia coli Contamination on Single and Mixed Fruit of Apple (Malus Domestica) and Grape (Vitis Vinifera) from the Traditional Market and Fruit Stores in Makassar
Mega Octavia Biringallo*, Yusminah Hala, Nurhayati B
The Plankton Community in the Mariah Bandar Springs, Pematang Bandar District, Simalungun Regency
Sinambela1,a), Napitupulu2,b), Hutagaol3,b)
Higher Order Thingking Skill Students in Biology Learning at SMA Negeri 1 Kolaka
Melfhira Ardalin Biantong1,a), Muhiddin Palennari2, b) and Arsad Bahri3, c)
Analysis of the Need For Development of E-Book Weed Plants as a Student Learning Source
Nur Putri Pratiwi Anwar, 1) St. Fatmah Hiola2 Syamsiah3)
The Effectiveness of Adding Seaweed to Feed in Reducing Fat and Cholesterol Levels in Broiler Chickens
Rosdiana Ngitung1, Patma Elis2, Hartono3
The Effectiveness of the Circulatory System Learning Unit with Guided Inquiry Based Flipped Classroom Learning Settings to Improve Self Regulated Learning and Student Learning Outcomes
Sri Irmayani Sukur1), Ismail2), Dian Dwi Putri Ulan Sari Patongai3)
Development of E-book Material Classification of Living Things Class X SMA
Aulia Oktasesaria Azis1, Hamka Lodang2, Syamsiah3
Development of Ecosystem Material E-Modules as a Source of Learning Biology Of Class X SMA
Nurasih Nadira1, Hamka Lodang2, Muh. Wiharto3
Analysis of Needs for Development of E-Book Based On Case Study on Environmental Change Subject for Grade 10th
Alisha Amaliah1, Andi Asmawati Azis2, Adnan3
The Effect of the Problem Based Learning Model on Student’s Critical Thingking Skills at School
Winny Criswi Pratama1), Yusminah Hala2), Arsad Bahri3)
Analysis of the Need For Development of Google Sites Web-Based Learning Media on Motion System Materials
For Class XI SMA
Rafida Roslan1), Firdaus Daud2), St. fatmah Hiola3)
Guided Inquiry Learning To Scientific Attitudes: The Experimentals Evidence.
Rani Ramadani1), Yusminah Hala2), Andi Rahmat Saleh3)
Analysis of the Need for The Development of an Enrichment Flipbook from the Study Results of Orchid Diversity in Mallawa Resort, Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, Maros Regency
Rifka Annisa1, St Fatmah Hiola2, Abd. Muis3
Analysis of School Field Introduction I Implentation Biology Education Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Makassar State University at SMAN 14 Makassar
Rughaya Salsabila SM1,a) Sri Reski Dewi Fortuna1 Amaliya Nur Resky Muhthasyam1 Tuty Widyanti2 Andi Asmawati Azis1
Analysis of the Need for Development of Mind Mapping-Based Biology E-Book on Animalia Materials For Class X Senior
High School
Sriwahyuni1), Abd. Muis2), & St. Fatmah Hiola3)
Analysis of Character Values of Natural Science Education Students at Bosowa University High School
St. Muriati*1), Rizki Trisnawaty Arwien2)